NuWorks Summer Play Festival Competition

By John DeSotelle Studio Series (other events)

18 Dates Through Aug 25, 2024

                                  THE FINALS ARE THIS WEEKEND!!

We had a tie after the semi-finals, so 7 plays are moving on to this weekend's FINAL Festival performances!
                       Comedy, Tragedy, Dramedy and a little of the Absurd

Plus this weekend we are voting not just on the best play, but the best director, best script and best actors!!  Join us for a fanatastic weekend of great performances and exciting votes!                                             

It's getting harder and harder to choose!
Check out the list below and see who made it to the Finals!

After the performance on Sunday, there will be a wine and cheese reception along with an award ceremony.                     

Who's performing in the finals this weekend:                 

  • Verbatim

  • Things Remembered

  • Plant the Seed

  • Peace by Piece

  • Dropping the Handkerchief

  • Boat Spotting

  • And I Ate a Pear

LISTING OF ALL 20 PLAYS:  (alphabetically by play title)

Abandoned: Rowdy Rascal's Wild West Show by Jessica Tocci
-Director: Amelia Boscov 
-Featuring Kayla Toure, Janet Chiya, Andrew Ugh, Hilijos Exume, Annie Unger, Grant McCord and Jake Schick

Also Starring Sappho as Herself by Emily Golden 
-Director: Ali Januzzi 
-Featuring: Gabriella Montuoro, Alanah Richardson, Lexandra James and Asa Lee Luna 

And I Ate A Pear by Beth Harpaz 
-Director: Breindel Wood
-Featuring: Daniel Salvato and Zuleyha Geldiyeva 

Boat Spotting by Dylan Horowitz 
-Director: Ferman Siasat 
-Featuring: Gabriel Snyder and Hunter Lustberg

Dropping the Handkerchief by Kendra Augustin 
-Director: Chrissy Sheehan 
-Featuring: Joe Staton and Lori Kovacevich 

Hitch by Michael Weems 
-Director: Sophie Sam 
-Featuring: Desiree Artesse and Rosey Murrah 

I Used to be the Pretty One by Lindsey Brown 
-Director: Mickey Pantano 
-Featuring: Alexandrea Mallia and Monica Lowy

In Through the Out Door by Lenora Salvucci 
-Director: Amanda Schussel 
-Featuring: Susan O'Doherty and Courtney Sanello 

 The Invincible Eddie Vincent by Matthew J Kaplan 
-Director: Amy Wright 
-Featuring: Edward Joseph and Claire Marie Torn 

The Last Spin Cycle by Hannah Lee Defrates 
-Director: Jason Stuart 
-Featuring: Elliot Gagne, Brennan Boyle and Willie Caba 

Peace by Piece by Michael Towers 
-Director: Brian McManimon
-Featuring:  Guillermo Arias and Joshua Crowder

Plant the Seed by Julia Gutterman 
-Director: Bryna Kearney 
-Featuring: Dori Milly Grace, Matthew Walters Bowens and Bernie Kravitz 

The Tetons by Christopher Woods 
-Director: Susanne McDonald 
-Featuring: Shilpa Raju, Abigail Frances, Juan Velasco, Constance Christie and Tristan Rose Gillia

Things Remembered by Emily DeSotelle 
-Director: Emily DeSotelle 
-Featuring Natalie Streiter and Nancy Wolfe 

Truth Hurts by Le'Kee Antonio Horton 
-Director: Zakk Ottmers 
-Featuring: Zack Shaw, Stine Carroll and Cassondra Roberts 

The Turn Around by Cary Pepper 
-Director: Mykola Metin 
-Featuring: Sam Muniz and Andrew Walters 

Verbatim by Albi Gorn 
-Director: Veronica Dang 
-Featuring: William Joseph Truiano, Melinda Graham and Guilherme Gomes 

Visible Cosmic Entities by Corey Pajka 
-Director: Karen H. Hoffman 
-Featuring Marcus Kirlew, Julian Zimmer and Marissa Maloney 

What You Sow by Beth Huber 
-Director: Chloe Champken 
-Featuring: Bill McAndrews, Joe Mosley, Brenna Peerbolt 

Why by Maranatha Leigh 
-Director: Lindsey Alterman 
-Featuring Angela Manfredonia and John Rearick 


John DeSotelle Studio Series

Mailing Address

754 Ninth Avenue, 4th Floor